Washington Center

Winter Quarter 2019

The American Presidency and Executive Power

Day and Time: 
Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Quarter Dates: 
January 8 - March 12, 2019
Semester Dates: 
January 8 - April 16, 2019
Core Seminar

This course will put the current presidency in historical and theoretical context, drawing on a variety of readings and approaches. At its core, this class is about the problem of executive power in democratic government. We will study and reflect not only on the details of what the presidency is in theory and practice, we will also consider how it (and other parts of the system) might be changed to overcome the problems of governance that have plagued the U.S. The goal is to understand the work of the presidency and some of the different perspectives by which we might analyze presidents and their administrations.


Draft Syllabus

Course ID: 

International Policy

Day and Time: 
Tuesdays, 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Quarter Dates: 
January 8 - March 12, 2019
Semester Dates: 
January 8 - April 16, 2019
Core Seminar

This seminar is designed to help you to engage critically and think systematically about crucial questions of international and global affairs. Through discussion of current events, student-directed research projects, and course readings, we will engage with a wide range of issues and problems that are international or global in scale. In so doing we will seek to identify and understand the nature and behavior of major actors in the international political arena of the 21st century. This is a research seminar with an applied approach that focuses on understanding and resolving pressing problems of foreign policy and international affairs.


Draft Syllabus 

Course ID: 

Activism, Protest, and the Politics of Change in Washington

Term or Semester: 
Day and Time: 
Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Quarter Dates: 
January 8 - March 12, 2019
Course Number: 
UCLA Sponsored: Political Science 149
Quarter Elective

How does social and political change happen in Washington? What strategies and techniques do underdogs use to take on entrenched and established powers in the nation’s capital? Making real change is difficult. Yet, there are several examples of successful social movements in American history and politics that came to Washington and effectively changed the course of the nation's politics and history. This class will explore the history and stories of grassroots mobilization and advocacy on the national stage. By interacting with guest speakers and visiting sites where events took place, students will learn about the successes—and failures—of social groups’ efforts to make lasting change in American politics and society.


Draft Syllabus

Course ID: 


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