Washington Center

Reducing Poverty and Inequity: Lessons from International Development (Section 1)

Day and Time: 
Tuesdays, 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. PT
Quarter Dates: 
January 5 - March 9, 2021
Semester Dates: 
January 5 - April 14, 2021
Core Seminar
This is an introductory course to the International Development field. The focus is on some of the key questions, challenges, and achievements in this field. Materials from the course (readings, documentaries, discussions of current events) will enhance your understanding of the dominant approaches to poverty alleviation, the role of inter/national development actors, organizations and institutions, the promises of post-2015 Development Goals including empowerment of women and youth and environment sustainability. Exposure to the overview of the field will enhance your understanding of current world events and policy decisions during your internship experiences in the nation’s Capital.
About the Instructor: Professor Loubna Skalli-Hanna is a teacher, scholar and practitioner with subject area expertise in development, gender, youth and communication. She has taught at numerous universities in Morocco and the United States, including the American University (2003-2015). She is the author, co-author and editor of numerous peer reviewed journal articles, book chapters and books. As a practitioner, Professor Skalli Hana co-founded many women’s organizations and participated in the activities of a few others. She also consulted with numerous intern/national development organizations and agencies including USAID, World Learning, U.S. Department of Labor and U.S. Department of State. Professor Skalli Hana earned her BA from Mohamed V University in Rabat (Morocco), her MA in social and cultural anthropology from Essex University (England), and her PhD in International Communication from the Pennsylvania State University.
Course ID: 